Maintenance Complete
I have now completed all maintenance on this site. All content bar some external images are now loaded over HTTPS by default rather than standard HTTP. Due to some issues with the HTTPS integration with the site this has been …
I have now completed all maintenance on this site. All content bar some external images are now loaded over HTTPS by default rather than standard HTTP. Due to some issues with the HTTPS integration with the site this has been …
There will be a short downtime tomorrow (17th December) for some site maintenance this will be scheduled between 7 – 8 AM GMT/UTC time. I expect the downtime to not take the full hour however. Any changes or updates to …
After many issues with the site being up and down along with the general database errors I have decided to move hosts – If you are seeing this you are already viewing the new website. With this move I expect …
A new version of CallAdmin is on it’s way dubbed CallAdmin 2.0 and I am hoping to be able to release it soon. This new version will bring a lot of new features: Tabbed Chat Separate chat area’s are finally …
I wanting to address the lack of updates to the CallAdmin plugin at the moment with regard to the changes to Bukkit to the UUID system. First off I want to say that my goal is to get a version …
A new piece of malware that is targeting Garry’s Mod servers and client’s has been identified within the last 3 hours (Around 1:00AM GMT 19th April 2014). This malware runs thougha LUA script that downloads files to clients and uploads the script …
On the 16th of April 2014 at 19:00 hours (7:00PM) Endurance International experienced a network failure at its Provo data centre (In Texas, Utah). This failure took Hostgator and Bluehosts servers offline for a period of 14 hours. This outage …
Endurance International Group – Hostgator & Bluehost Data Center Outage Read more »
Minecraft is changing to a UUID based system rather than using your username to identify you. What does this mean for you and your server plugins? How will I be addressing this in CallAdmin? Jump to the information specific to …
PutLocker has now rebranded to Firedrive. Users of PutLocker will now notice any requests to the PutLocker site now redirect to Firedrive however links still work as the redirects take you to the same URL under Firedrive. Firedrives new Facebook …
I’m currently working on adding command aliases to the CallAdmin plugin this will allow greater compatibility between other plugins. At the moment I’m not entirely sure what to add the variations as so am looking for some feedback / input from the …